HRPCI Vision
The Vision and The Aim of HRPCI are the formations of fearless and non-succumbing society on the basis of truthfulness & nonviolence.
This society will allow the peaceful existence of all types of naturally challenged persons, schedule caste, schedule tribes, people under poverty line, old-aged and widow and down trodden irrespective of caste, creed, sex, and religion. This society in its majority will be constituted by the followers of human rights and human rights activists consequently reducing the pool of wrongdoers. A vision of a society of human rights followers.
HRPCI Mission
To organize, promote, undertake all programs for the formation of fearless and non-succumbing society on the basis of truthfulness & nonviolence
To organize, promote, undertake, sponsor, carry out all programs for the benefit of naturally challenged persons, schedule caste, schedule tribes, people under poverty line, old-age, widow and downtrodden irrespective of caste, creed, sex and religion such as:
1 In the field of Human Resource Development
1.1 To establish, develop, maintain schools, colleges, libraries, universities, laboratories, skill development centers, competition, preparation centers, yoga and spiritual centers, sports training centers, vocational training centers, research and other institutions for the development and advancement of education and diffusion of knowledge among the public in general.
1.2 To establish, maintain and run studentship, scholarship, and award program and render another kind of aid to students including the supply of study materials, books, stipend, medals and other incentives.
1.3 To organize a program for the promotions of pre-primary education, non formal education, computer and information technologies, leadership development techno-entrepreneurship development educational, infrastructure research and development, socio-scientific research, management.
1.4 Publish study-materials, magazine, books, information materials, journals; produce the film, T.V. serials and documentaries, audio-video cassettes on burning social, educational and scientific issues.
2 In the field of Health and Family Welfare
2.1 To undertake, establish, assist, organize or conduct the program of research, management and infrastructure development in the field of health and family welfare.
2.2 To establish, organize, run or maintain Hospital, Nursing Home, Care and Care Centers, Medical education and research center in State-of-the art.
2.3 To undertake, organize, establish or run the medical education center, college and research center.
2.4 To undertake awareness, prevention, surveillance, screening, management health systems and research programs on Maternal and Child survival, communicable diseases like Malaria, Hepatitis, Leprosy, Meningitis, HIV/AIDS, STD, T.B., Dengue, Non-communicable diseases like Cancer, Heart Diseases, Respiratory Diseases, Diabetes, Mellifluous Injuries etc. Health Insurance, Population control etc.
2.5 To establish and run Drug de-addiction center and undertake rehabilitation program for drug-abuse. Also organize awareness program for the control of drug-menace and abuse.
3 In the field of Agriculture and allied Industries Development
3.1 To conduct and undertake the research of technologies advancement, productivity enhancement, cost effectiveness technologies and methodologies in the field of agriculture, allied industries, cottage industries, veterinary and co-operatives.
3.2 To conduct awareness and exposition program of appropriate and low cost technologies agriculture.
3.3 Conduct the programs to ensure nutrition security, safe food processing and standardization.
3.4 To conduct intensive research in the field of fisheries, aquaculture, poultry, dairying, livestock, sheep and goat, horticulture, floriculture, aromatic and medicinal plants, fruits, hybrid vegetables, mushroom etc. and land the benefit of research.
3.5 To carryout study, research and development activities for water management, irrigation, fertilizer, farm mechanism, bio-technology, integrated pest management method.
3.6 To make the market-mechanism most favorable to the farmers. To develop the infrastructure for the easy and safe delivery of agro-products. Also establish and run financial Institution for the benefit of agriculture and allied industries-related people.
3.7 To form and patronize self help group (S.H.G.) for the promotion of micro-credit and optimum financial benefit to the rural people.
4 In the field of Environment & Forest
4.1 To undertake all programs for ensuring social accountability in conservation, preservation and control to the environment, forest, wild life.
4.2 To undertake awakening and intervention programs for enforcement of environmental law, Access to environmental information, town and country planning, integrated pollution control, atmospheric pollution, waste management, water pollution, sound pollution, excreta disposal sedimentation and coagulation, treatment and disposal of sewage and silage, bio-gas, water treatment methods and other nature conservation programs.
4.3 To organize and run special sanitation and environment protection programs for Hospital, Fair, Melas, places of Pilgrimage, Railway Stations, Bus stands, Canteens, Hotels, Industrial ergonomics.
5 In the field of Rural Development
5.1 To promote education, training and research programs in Rural Management and generate a Human Resource Force to settle the needs of people in rural areas.
5.2 To organize, conduct, sponsor, the intensive program on Rural housing, Rural finance, Marketing mechanism infrastructure development, Cottage and small scale industries development, co-operative and cooperation, Integrated wasteland Development, Technology Development Extension and training program, Investment Promotion Schemes for the promotion of rural infrastructure, watershed and water management and un-utilized resource development program, welfare and strengthening program for marginal and underprivileged farmers, promotion of cost effective technologies, rural sanitation including low-cost latrines.
5.3 To work, associate and/or act as implementing agency in Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana, Samagra Aawas Yojana and other developmental programs run by Government/ agencies.
6 In the field of Urban Development
6.1 To undertake, assist manage, organize the all programs of urban development particularly public health engineering, slum community rehabilitation and development, civic amenities and public services, town planning, master plan preparation and implementation, water and hydro metric studies, research and management, sewerage and waste management.
6.2 To establish and art of state center for education, training, and research in Urban Planning and development.
7 In the field of Social Justice and Child Empowerment
7.1 To carry out all the programs for the relief, rehabilitation, welfare and development of women in destitute, old-aged, handicapped, street children and child labor, widow, orphan, beggar, sex-worker, schedule caste, schedule tribes, backward and other under privileged people.
7.2 To undertake and run the integrated program on street children rehabilitation, juvenile justice, adoption resource, agency, social defense, civil defense, old age home/ multi service center, center of legal awareness, aids and rights, treatment and rehabilitation of addicts, persons with disabilities, coaching and allied assistance, construction of hostel building and other infrastructure for complete rehabilitation center, vocational training centers, women empowerment, animal welfare, stop prostitution, eradication of poverty.
8 In the field of Social Justice and Empowerment
8.1 To carry out all the programs/ projects for the awakening of national integration, communal harmony, co-operation and co-operative behavior attitude development, moral and social habit development in the youth and to ensure participation in the development of nation and humanity.
8.2 To organize and install infrastructure for the promotion of sports, yoga, meditation among youths.
9 In the field of Science & Technologies and Communication & Information Technologies
9.1 Promotion of Human Rights literacy & awareness in the educational system more widely in society.
9.2 Human Rights training for the armed forces & police, public authorities’ civil society, & students.
9.3 Research through well known academic institutions & NGO’s on various issues relating to Human Rights.
9.4 Publication of annual report, monthly newsletter, annual journal, & research studies.
9.5 Consultation with NGO’s & experts/specialists on Human Rights Issues.